Saturday, June 24, 2006

To frog or not to frog/Correction to Heart Strings Afghan pattern in Crochet World, June 2005

I am working up an afghan found on page 42 of the June 2005 issue of Crochet World called Heart Strings Afghan.

After Row 18, the pattern says, [Rep rows 13 - 18 30 times. Rep row 13]. I FINALLY crocheted rows 13 - 18 30 times. I repeated row 13 and continued on to Row 19. As I was crocheting this row, something didn't seem right. I read and re-read. I checked my work. No, I'm following the pattern right. But I still knew something was wrong. 98% of the time I "know" something is wrong with a pattern, it's my fault, not the pattern's. But this time it was the pattern's.

The pattern SHOULD read [Rep rows 13 - 18 30 times. Rep rows 13, 14].

I've gotten to row 23 and that one row of hearts is too squishy. I need another row in there.

The question is, do I frog it?

It's similar to a filet. You dc in the row below to raise the stitch and it creates a picture of a heart. Honestly, you can't really tell, unless you look close. But, it's bugging me. So, I guess I'm going to have to frog it.

Dang. I was celebrating when I got to the 30th repeated heart. But, I want this to be perfect and don't want to be lazy on this last section.

Oh, well.

Here it goes...

An hour later: I frogged 3 rows and it's better and I'm happy. No. It didn't take me an hour, since I fooled around on the 'net for a bit. :D

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