Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I am just about finished with my friend's afghan. I look forward to finishing it sometime either today or tomorrow. Today I have to work and then I have a crochet meeting - not sure how much time I'll have. Wednesday looks promising. As I told Scott that I had 2 more stitches to do to join the afghan pieces together, my SIL calls me. An organization she volunteers for needs someone to make one blanket - I think they'll donate materials. I told her I would be honored - it will be my first charity item. I make things for people all the time, but have never donated to a charity before. It will be a baby blanket - given to a new mom in the hospital with a basket of other items. I'll find out what organization it's for and exactly who or why that particular mom/baby will receive the basket. I don't know about accepting donated materials. If I'm going to make the blanket, I want to choose the materials and not just crochet with any 'ole yarn. I want it to be soft - although most baby yarn IS soft. I'll have to wait and see. I've already got ideas swirling about. I will probably just follow a patter. I have a book on baby ripple afghans I was just looking through 2 days ago.

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